Pleats and Keats

The warmth of writers & the magic of encouragement

Pleats and KeatsStarting out with your blog can be scary. Who’s going to read it? Why is my voice special? Writers ask themselves these questions all the time, and that’s normal. 

Putting yourself out there requires courage, and that’s a beautiful & strong part of your writer’s soul. Keep writing, darling. Your dreams are just around the corner. This is my love letter to other writers, and to those who give us courage when we don’t see the beauty written between our own lines.

I’ve always said I both admire and am wary of writers who never fail to think their content is fabulous, all the time.

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t have confidence, (you should) but there’s always room for improvement evolving, as writing is an art form. The frightening gray area between knowing you can always refine your writing style and trying to attain perfection breeds self-doubt, which can paralyze any artist. Believe me when I say writing terrifies me as much as it elates me.

Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works.
—John Keats.

There is no such thing as perfect, and there is glory in imperfection. I choose literature because it is an imperfect, ever-evolving platform which highlights the wonder of human imperfections themselves. To me, that cycle is the only constant in writing and the only ‘perfect’ aspect about it. So keep going, keep improving, keep reading, and most of all, cherish your voice. Its reach may be small for now, but it rings true to you.

All that being said, Pleats and Keats has been nominated for the Liebster Award, given liebster2to help bloggers discover new content (and expose them!) in this warm community. The idea is so lovely, and many thanks to Vacation Coffee (Travel & Lifestyle) for checking out my stories. This award, in my humble opinion, eases the fear I mentioned above as it is first and foremost a form of encouragement. Read the rules here in her post!

Where do you call home? I consider my home to be anywhere I’ve lived that has inspired me. These dreamy places include New York City, sun-soaked West Palm Beach and Bangkok, snowy Boston, and of course Paris. France holds a special place in my heart, and I consider Paris to be where I learned the most about my soul.

Target audience in one sentence: Anybody who loves books and the beauty in life and travel.

How often do you post content on your blog? I’m still so new at this, but I am trying to post twice a week!

Is there a story behind your blog name? Keats is one of my favorite writers (see the relevant quote above) and Pleats represents the lifestyle aspect of this blog (getting to it!)

What is your ideal morning routine? Sleeping in, then waking up to a strong cup of coffee and a pot of cream! And of course, reading a sonnet or two.

Do you have a vice? If so, what is it? As much as I love delicate pastries and roses in my macarons, I can gobble up a family size bag of chips, no problem. And I do it all the time.

Amazing travel memory: Is this cheating? Read the post here ❤

Where else on social media can we find you? Pleats and Keats is on Facebook/Bloglovin’! 

Who are your favorite people to spend time with? This baby.bestfriend

My Nominees inspire me!

x 20 weeks until summer

x the broadwalk

x la casabloga

x ways to say hello blog

x The Nerdtopia

x The Sapphire Blog

x Anthropomagic

Seeing the beauty in others is seeing beauty in yourself, xo.

Pleats and Keats




30 thoughts on “The warmth of writers & the magic of encouragement”

  1. Great write up!!! I admire people out there who dare to put things on paper, or I can say on the net at this point. Writing is such a beautiful thing to do because you capture your thoughts and your emotions which you can’t do through photography for exp. And it is true, there shouldn’t be fear for writing. You develop your voice at a certain point which I found after several years while writing different kinds of topics. As long as you make a start, there will be always a great beginning and a voice in the future you can find.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I was just thinking about how we all need encouragement sometimes. I’ve received it in spades from this community and it just warms the heart. Thanks for sharing about how you developed your voice, and I know how it feels when travel helps you do that! It’s one of the loveliest ways to find yourself. Oh and speaking of encouragement, I love your blog! xo.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is the surest way to find things hidden in your soul and memories. A little off topic, but not really- I recently reread that dreams are one of the surest ways to kick writer’s block. Isn’t that fascinating? Almost like more proof that writing is a window to seeing deep within.


  2. Girl, do you sleep? I can’t believe how quickly you posted this. So eloquent and so wise. “Believe me when I say writing terrifies me as much as it elates me.” – holycow, me too! So glad I found your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! Okay, its super simple! To accept, all you have to do is post a blog about getting the liebster where you tag the person who nominated you (heehee me) and then you answer the questions I did so other bloggers can get to know you better! I’ve also changed it up a bit and added a bit of a regular post too. The most important part though, is to pick up to 11 other bloggers (new and upcoming) that you like to keep the love going! That way they can get exposed too 🙂 congrats!


  3. That was a beautiful post and it made me want to grab a pen and jot down something silly straight away 😀 I can feel your wise self seeping through the lines of your writing, it feels amazing. Thank you so much for giving everyone the encouragement they need to keep following they dreams 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! Thank youuu! I hope to inspire other writers. I think its an essential part of the creative community. Don’t you feel like as a society (we can even talk professionally) we’ve become grounded in the idea that everything is a contest, when it comes to the arts and being creative. We’ve become so focused on thinking, ugh, well maybe if THEY are better, I won’t get published, etc etc. I believe we all have talent, and those of us who don’t put pen to paper are often times just limiting ourselves. Please keep writing, I love your insight! Anthropology and short stories are a magical combination that drives the essence of what human nature is all about! xo.

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  4. Thank you for your support! I have definitely felt and thought that way many times. “Why should I try, if in the end someonw else work is going to get chosen to be published?” Although I know it’s wrong and a terrible habit, I keep comparing myself to other writers and I do feel inferior a lot of times.

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    1. I understand, and I can’t flatter myself and say I am in any way an expert or someone in a position to tell other writers how to feel. All I can offer is this: you should try because if you don’t your voice is lost. Someone else may write about a certain subject more eloquently because their experiences are different, but that same logic applies to you. No one can write the way you can because your soul interprets the world in a unique way. That I can promise you. And there is nothing wrong with comparing your writing to others, that’s natural. It’s how we learn…keep that in mind instead of focusing on the more destructive side of comparisons and you’ll see the beauty of working through others’ writing to improve upon your own. Everyone’s interpretation of any subject is unique, and that is where the true beauty of the written word lies. Much love, never give up. xo

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  5. I wish there was a way of saving comments on WordPress. I’m going to copy and paste it though and keep it on my phone as a reminder of all the reasons why I should keep trying. Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂

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  6. There is a sickly nature in most to criticise, dismiss, and devalue the work of others; your blog on the other hand is filled with positive, supporting, and charming commentary. This sets you as a human being apart from countless others. This world is desperately in need of encouraging types, helpful critiquers, lovers and builders to rail against the cynical wrecking balls, and I thank you for being such a rare lighthouse on the endless sea.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not only are you a wonderful poet, your compliments ring true with the same lyrical and sincere kindness, the same whimsy I see behind your rhymes. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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