The darkness we will share : prologue

A hundred black roses were lined up in a hundred glass vases underneath the large window, displaying a cascading and snowy world that clashed with one hundred shadowed, petalled silhouettes. Each thorn, save one, had been meticulously sliced off each of the dyed stems. She knew he did that by hand for her, to remind her that the dark ones were like these flowers. Singular, lovely, dangerous. How many nights had their trainings ended with that harsh reminder, a haunting and longing whisper breathed into her hair.

Continue reading “The darkness we will share : prologue”

Ten life lessons from the ballet barre

ballet ballet shoes ballerina

ballet ballet shoes ballerina

“And even this heart of mine has something artificial. The dancers have sewn it into a bag of pink satin, pink satin slightly faded, like their dancing shoes.”
―Edgar Degas

Continue reading “Ten life lessons from the ballet barre”

Have courage and be kind, she said.

kindness (1)

Thank you Disney for yet another line to live by.  You have to admit, that line from Cinderella is lovely. What have I learned about kindness lately? Here’s one secret. Nothing you could wear (sorry insta’, still love you though) will ever be as lovely to the world and those around you as the beautiful simplicity of a kind act. Continue reading “Have courage and be kind, she said.”

Snapshots and a bottle of curiosities

snapshot, photo, lifestyle

Playing with elephants, collecting butterfly wings, organizing French Lifestyle Fairs, and exploring the lush greens of an exotic hidden town….


Continue reading “Snapshots and a bottle of curiosities”

Finding spells in your coffee cup

Coffee magic

Always wonder first thing in the morning…how do I make magic? 
Coffee magic

Continue reading “Finding spells in your coffee cup”

Forget me nots, for you dear reader. Or why we vanish.


Dear Reader,

Maybe you’re not there anymore. I’m sorry I’ve been gone. It’s been so long that I don’t know what to say.

But let me start with this. I haven’t forgotten about you, and I haven’t ever given up on this project. Continue reading “Forget me nots, for you dear reader. Or why we vanish.”

Monday Moments, for the dreamer

Take a peek into my week with Instagram! Living literary chic, x.

Monday moments Continue reading “Monday Moments, for the dreamer”

How to boost your confidence in 10 steps for writers

writing tips

Embrace your inner artist and develop writer’s self esteem! It’s an important part of being a confident creative!writing tips
Continue reading “How to boost your confidence in 10 steps for writers”

8 Magic moments on the island, mermaids aside

Koh Lipe

Ok, so maybe I wasn’t able to get the mermaids on camera…but I did manage to capture some charmed moments anyway! Koh Lipe is a tiny hidden island in the cornflower blue depths of the Andaman sea…

Koh Lipe

Continue reading “8 Magic moments on the island, mermaids aside”

How to pick a coffee table book that inspires

Coffee Table Book

A coffee table book is so much more than decorative. It can be a gorgeous, ready to be pondered over window into your dreams, an escape, a conversation starter. Whats the magic formula to finding the perfect one for you?

Coffee Table Book Continue reading “How to pick a coffee table book that inspires”