writing tips

How to boost your confidence in 10 steps for writers

Embrace your inner artist and develop writer’s self esteem! It’s an important part of being a confident creative!writing tips

writing tips

Gain confidence! There is such a thing as “writer’s self-esteem” and you can nourish yours with tried and true techniques.

When I first started this blog I didn’t know what to focus on. I was terrified it would never “take off.” But there’s more to life than becoming Instagram famous or a superstar blogger. None of that matters if you don’t believe in the quality of your own work. If you don’t, who will? Fear is your friend, and here’s why. Writing is not supposed to always be easy. Yes, sometimes a post or essay just flows- good for you! Other times, it seems impossibly frustrating to pen your thoughts. Your experiences are complicated, and that’s the way life is. Life isn’t simple, so describing it shouldn’t be either. In my opinion, it would be an insult to your intelligence if storytelling was always easy…the complexity of life is worthy of being a challenge to depict! Be brave and love the hard stuff.

Tweet: A confident creative is someone who believes in the inherent value of his or her work.“A confident creative is someone who believes in the inherent value of his or her work.”

Tweet this!

Following these easy writing-friendly tips well help you appreciate your own creative genius!

  1. Don’t beat up your writing (out loud). This may seem obvious, but it isn’t easy to ignore the little voice in your head saying, “well this isn’t worth posting.” Any negative energy you carry around with you blocks your creative channels. In the moment where you complete a project and say, “This is horrible,” you are subconsciously punishing yourself for being creative. It will stifle your desire to continue.

  2. Focus on becoming a “positive critic.” There are constructive ways you can scrutinize your own work. Try comparing something you’ve written recently with an older piece and mark the “positive evolutions” you’ve made. Concretely recording your progress does wonders!

  3. Take a few minutes to admire your own written accomplishments. No, you’re not being egotistical; you’re rewarding your creative self. We’ve been taught from a young age to be so hard on ourselves, all in the name of improvement. There’s a better way to evolve, and that’s by appreciating your work from the ground up. 12 followers? You’re starting. Focus on that. One killer sentence in an essay you think could be better? Use that as a jumping point instead of framing it the other way around!

  4. Read more. There’s no question that all “not all readers are writers, but all writers must be readers.” The written word, the big guys- Shakespeare, Wordsworth, whoever. Glean from their expertise. You will ALWAYS become a better writer when you read the work of others. Everyone writes differently, and that’s a win-win for all of us.

  5. Make sure you make editing a part of your writing process. No I mean really, schedule it in. I believe that concrete efforts over time improve the mentality of a writer’s outlook. Hemingway allegedly wrote drunk and edited sober. Whatever your method is, take some time in between writing and publishing to edit with a clearer set of eyes, and a refreshed mind. You’ll spot things you didn’t before, and improve your confidence and editing chops over time.

  6. Don’t be negative to other people. There’s no gain or fame in bashing someone else’s work, and not only is it unkind; it will block your creative essence. Creativity and art are positive points, and remember that anyone who is in the creative process is attempting to capture their life in art. By bringing them down in any way, or giving harsh critique that’s not constructive, you’re only hurting the writing community—which you are a part of.

  7. Carry around a notebook. No one controls when the spark hits! By having a way to jot down your best ideas as they come, you won’t forget them. Over time that little creative notebook becomes physical proof of how many awesome ideas you have, & you can look back on it and expand!

  8. Take risks. There’s something exhilarating about doing something different. Is there a topic you want to write about but never thought you could? Give it a shot! There’s no better confidence booster than biting the bullet, throwing caution to the wind, taking a chance and then realizing what a badass you are. You see how courageous your writer’s soul is when you push your limits!

  9. Let your friends in. My loved ones are my biggest support group. Their opinions matter to me because I trust my friends, and in your immediate circle, you’ve got caring people who are willing to read your work and offer positive feedback. There’s no way to warm your heart faster than by listening to those who love you. I say “let your friends in” because sometimes, when someone counts, you’re even more afraid of them than the anonymous public! When you see how much your friends believe in you, you’ll trust yourself.

  10. Find a writing mantra and stick to it. I believe in the power of words, and having a mantra define your week, month, or next project is a catchy and effective way to keep you on track. Repeat it to believe it! Here’s mine for the month: “Creativity is contagious- pass it on!”

We all have a creative spark. Turn it into a fire.

Pleats and Keats



33 thoughts on “How to boost your confidence in 10 steps for writers”

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you liked the tips… I’m asking all writers- if you have more tips, please go ahead and share them. Everyone has a different angle to writing confidently, and we can all learn from each other. xo


  1. Thank you so much for this. I’m still trying to find my voice as a writer (can I call myself that yet?) and I needed this. Happy blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The definition of a writer is simply someone who writes. Finding your voice is a rewarding journey. Never forget your voice can change and that it evolves with you, cuz’ then you’ll love it in all of its forms. Keep on doing what you love, it’s a part of who you are! Writing is an art, of course, but you can always improve your technique. I try not to look at it as a solid line, like a goal of “Oh, I have to get to so and so level of ‘good writer.” I try to focus on looking as writing like a celebration of parts of me. Your writing is a part of you, and that’s always worth embracing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Small enough to fit in your purse, big enough to handle your ideas! I really like my little notebook. Sometimes I cheat and use my phone, but honestly, physically writing it down is old school fun and really meaningful! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post 🙂
    #4 – Reading the work of writers in the same genre really helps my own writing by showing me what works and what doesn’t.
    #5 – I like to write the first draft of a novel in one go (takes about two to four weeks – perfect for NaNoWriMo). I’ll leave it in a virtual drawer for a couple of months before doing the first rewrite. After a couple of tears and arguing with myself a few weeks later, I’ll start the second rewrite – first I’ll print it out because it looks different and feels different than on the computer screen then I’ll go through it with post-its and a red pen. Highlighters, different colour pens and carpal tunnel later, I’ll type it (ouch) and leave it to be forgotten for a while (seriously, by that time I’m ready to burn the bloody thing). Weeks later I’ll look at it with fresh eyes and do the final polish (actual editing) before sending it to beta readers.
    #7 – I have several notebooks filled with ideas I hope I’ll get to write someday 😉
    #8 – Last year I wrote something entirely different (a Western) for a short story competition and was a runner-up! I learned so much by taking that risk, not only about writing but also about my own skills. (Winning with stories so closely related to my novels didn’t feel like as much an accomplishment as almost-winning with something outside of my comfort zone.)
    Time for an inferno…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh my goodness I totally feel you on breaking down and arguing with myself when I rewrite. It’s a crazy person’s corner when I take my stuff and cross out everything. I also mumble to myself a lot…drives my fiance nuts! xo

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I hope they are helpful. I used to never share my writing with anyone and then one day I just thought, oh what the hell. If you have any tips feel free to share! This community is filled with great ideas….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes. The community is so awesome 🙂 I am a newbie myself , but from my experience so far I think you have covered all 🙂 Reader engagement is a great way to boost your confidence as well. The more you engage with others in blogging world, the more you get visits and also you earn some wonderful relationships as well 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I hope you don’t mind if I reblog it 🙂 I number of things prevented me from going on wordpress this past month and it made me feel terrible. I haven’t written a single thing since my last post and I apologise, but I am unable to accept the award nomination at this point in time. I really need to work harder to feel like I deserve it. I’m looking forward to catching up on all the writings I’ve missed 🙂


  4. Reblogged this on anthropomagic and commented:
    I was going to write a post about being unworthy of the liebster award that I was nominated for about a month ago. This morning I woke up thinking, I’m not good enough to be a writer anymore. After all, I haven’t posted anything for a moth. This morning as well, I was told by a quite sophisticated panda that I’m being absurd. I can’t just give up because I have some silly doubts. I have to keep writing or die trying.

    *dramatic pause*

    Actually, I’d rather not die, but you get the gist. Anyway, here is a blog post by Pleats and Keats, that really did boost my confidence (right after the lecture I received from a stubborn and loving panda).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi lovely! This is way late but I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. If you’d like to participate, my award post (on the blog!) has the details. 🙂


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